I have data that looks like:
Scenario ymin lower middle upper ymax
One 16362.586379 20911.338893 27121.693254 35219.449009 46406.087619
Two 19779.003240 25390.096116 33108.174561 43545.202225 58464.277060
Rather than use all 50 k data points for every Scenario (there are many more than One and Two), I've computed the positions I need for the box and whiskers.
I try to plot this via
import pandas
import plotnine as p9
df = pandas.read_excel('boxplot_data.xlsx', sheet='Sheet1')
gg = p9.ggplot()
gg += p9.geoms.geom_boxplot(mapping=p9.aes(x='Scenario', ymin='ymin', lower='lower', middle='middle', upper='upper', ymax='ymax'), data=df, color='k', show_legend=False, inherit_aes=False)
gg += p9.themes.theme_seaborn()
gg += p9.labels.xlab('Scenario')
gg.save(filename='scenario_boxplot.png', dpi=300)
The documentation at https://plotnine.readthedocs.io/en/stable/generated/plotnine.geoms.geom_boxplot.html#plotnine.geoms.geom_boxplot indicates that the geom_boxplot line of code supplies the required aesthetic parameters to define the box and whiskers.
Running this, however, gives
plotnine.exceptions.PlotnineError: 'stat_boxplot requires the following missing aesthetics: y'
Why is stat_boxplot being called, with its required aesthetics, not geom_boxplot?
And more importantly, does anybody know how to correct this?
You are using geom_boxplot
with stat_boxplot
instead of stat_identity
geom_boxplot(stat='identity', ...)