I have the following Apache Spark Dataframe:
Parent - Child
A1 - A10
A1 - A2
A2 - A3
A3 - A4
A5 - A7
A7 - A6
A8 - A9
This DataFrame displays a connection between parent and child. Logically it looks like this one:
The main goal is setting the main root for each child. That's mean we should have the follwoing dataframe:
Parent - Child
A1 - A10
A1 - A2
A1 - A3
A1 - A4
A5 - A7
A5 - A6
A8 - A9
With the below approach I believe you can achieve it
val input_rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(List(("A1", "A10"), ("A1", "A2"), ("A2", "A3"), ("A3", "A4"), ("A5", "A7"), ("A7", "A6"), ("A8", "A9"), ("A4", "A11"), ("A11", "A12"), ("A6", "A13")))
val input_df = input_rdd.toDF("Parent", "Child")
| A1| A10|
| A1| A2|
| A2| A3|
| A3| A4|
| A5| A7|
| A7| A6|
| A8| A9|
| A4| A11|
| A11| A12|
| A6| A13|
# # linkchild function to get the root
def linkchild(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
val link_child_df = spark.sql("""select distinct a.parent, b.child from TEMP a inner join TEMP b on a.parent = b.parent or a.child = b.parent""")
# # findroot function to validate and generate output
def findroot(rdf: DataFrame) {
val link_child_df = linkchild(rdf)
val cnt = spark.sql("""select * from table1 where child not in (select child from (select * from (select distinct a.parent, b.child from TEMP1 a inner join TEMP1 b on a.parent = b.parent or a.child = b.parent
where a.parent not in(select distinct child from TABLE1))))""").count()
if (cnt == 0) {
spark.sql("""select * from (select distinct a.parent, b.child from TEMP1 a inner join TEMP1 b on a.parent = b.parent or a.child = b.parent
where a.parent not in(select distinct child from TABLE1)) order by parent, child""").show
} else {
# # Calling findroot function for the first time with input_df which in turn calls linkchild function till it reaches target
| A1| A10|
| A1| A11|
| A1| A12|
| A1| A14|
| A1| A15|
| A1| A16|
| A1| A17|
| A1| A18|
| A1| A2|
| A1| A3|
| A1| A4|
| A5| A13|
| A5| A6|
| A5| A7|
| A8| A9|