
How to save an XmlDocument to a .csproj "formatted like Visual Studio" where empty elements are saved on separate lines?

Currently I've created a PowerShell script to go through hundreds (yes, hundreds) of Visual Studio projects and update the References for consistency which fixes a number of subtle bugs. This works for being able to round-trip 99% of the XML, such that subsequent editing project files in Visual Studio does not introduce another change.

However, with XmlDocument.Save(), EMPTY elements are saved as a pair on the same line..


..instead of the way the Visual Studio project editor saves the EMPTY element split between two lines..


This leads to needless noise on the initial commit that will be reset as programmers update the projects from within Visual Studio.

How can a [modified] XmlDocument be saved using the same formatting rules Visual Studio [at least as of 2017] uses?

Currently the save is done using an explicit XmlWriter and XmlWriterSettings using the following configuration:

$writerSettings = New-Object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings
$writerSettings.Indent = $true
$writerSettings.IndentChars = $indent # value stolen previously

$writer = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($path, $writerSettings)

If using the the XmlDocument.PreserveWhitespace setting, unmodified nodes are not affected. However, in this case "improperly formatted" entries are not fixed and new nodes do not have correct indenting/formatting applied.

Preferably this can be handled with a simple modification to saving and/or settings instead of a custom writer (being the script is in PowerShell) or some post-save text manipulation (as such feels a bit of a kluge).


  • Although in general I think you should not tamper XML using regex, I also could not find any setting in the XmlWriter class that will change the style in which empty elements are written.

    The only way I got it formatted the way you want is by having the XmlWriter write to a memory stream and use regex -replace on that:

    $writerSettings             = New-Object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings
    $writerSettings.Indent      = $true
    $writerSettings.IndentChars = '  '
    $writerSettings.Encoding    = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding $false  # set to UTF-8 No BOM
    # create a stream object to write to
    $stream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream
    $writer = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($stream, $writerSettings)
    $writer.WriteElementString("StartupObject", [string]::Empty)
    $writer.WriteElementString("AnotherEmptyElement", [string]::Empty)
    # get whatever is written to the stream in a string variable
    $xml = [System.Text.Encoding]::Default.GetString(($stream.ToArray()))
    # replace self-closing elements: <StartupObject />
    # replace empty elements in one line: <StartupObject></StartupObject>
    # to the format where opening and closing tags are on separate lines
    $format = '$1<$2>{0}$1</$2>' -f [Environment]::NewLine
    $xml = $xml -replace '(.*?)<(.*?)\s*/>', $format -replace '(.*?)<(.*?)></(.*?)>', $format
    # save do disk
    $xml | Out-File -FilePath 'D:\test.xml' -Force -Encoding default


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>