
How can I group by a case column that uses a JSON object?

I've tried the following

select payload:col1 as col1
       , case
            when contains(payload:col2, 'aaa') then 'type1'
            else 'other'
         end as type
       , count(*) as c
  from table1
  group by col1, type

where payload is a JSON/object column.

This results in a SQL compilation error: error line 3 at position 26 'table1.PAYLOAD' in select clause is neither an aggregate nor in the group by clause.

As far I understand I should be able to group by the case column type and payload is not really in any output column (there is case that uses payload but payload itself is not)


  • In the SELECT list of a GROUP BY query you can reference "anything" inside an aggregation expression, but only expressions from the GROUP BY list outside an aggregation expression.

    In your case, I believe (untested) that you should not have gotten an error if the GROUP BY contained payload:col2 or contains(payload:col2, 'aaa') or the whole "type" column expression. Only the last two would give a correct result, however...

    The most compact GROUP BY expression that will work I think will be:

    GROUP BY col1, type, contains(payload:col2, 'aaa')

    With that your SELECT list expressions only references GROUP BY expressions from the table expression of the query.

    EDIT: Too low reputation to comment );

    @ecerulm No, I meant the whole "type" column expression, ie:

    GROUP BY col1, type,
            when contains(payload:col2, 'aaa') then 'type1'
            else 'other'

    In fact it is explained exactly how this should work in the SQL standard, so the error message you receive is according to standard.