Using Commandbox 4.7.0+00026, I'm attempting to open a Crystal Reports document in preparation for output as PDF. I'm not able to get the file to open, getting the error
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/crystaldecisions/reports/common/data/CrystalResultSet
on line
var rd =, 0);
I've confirmed CrystalCommon2.jar is in the lib folder.
Here's the full CommandBox task runner:
The .jar files from Java Reporting Component SDK are copied to `box\engine\cfml\cli\cfml-web\lib`
property name = "out" inject = "";
property name = "crs" inject = "";
property name = "crv" inject = "";
property name = "oro" inject = "";
property name = "rcd" inject = "";
property name = "ref" inject = "";
/* resources
function run(){
var reportPath = "c:\reports\Statement of Account.rpt";
var openAsReadOnly = oro._openAsReadOnly;
var inprocConnectionString = rcd.inprocConnectionString;
var rd =, 0);
Some resources indicate a CRConfig.xml needs exist, but I've not had success - tried a myriad of locations. CRConfig.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Other resources maintain that CrystalReportsEngine-config.xml must exist. Again, not sure where it should reside.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Turns out I was dropping the Crystal Reports jar files in the wrong folder.
Drop them into the same folder that's returned by this function:
function jarPath(){
variables.jarPath = createObject( "java", "" ).init(
createObject( "java", "runwar.LaunchUtil" )
.getSchemeSpecificPart() )