I have tried to create folder in a flutter app
in a google drive account
. It shows me a bad argument(s) error
. Although i am working with the documentation examples
Here is the code i have tried to do. it generates
"Bad argument(s)" error.
final _SCOPES = [drive.DriveApi.DriveScope];
void adrive(){
FutureOr onValue(AuthClient client) {
// The previous line works fine
drive.File r = new drive.File();
r.mimeType = "application/vnd.google-apps.folder";
r.title = "hello";
drive.DriveApi(client).files.insert(r,uploadOptions: commons.UploadOptions.Resumable).then((f)=>print(f.mimeType+" "+f.originalFilename))
As you have already done Auth credentials
, you can use this
Simple function to create folder in Google Drive.
clientViaServiceAccount(credentials, scopes).then((http_client) async {
var _drive = v3.DriveApi(http_client);
var _createFolder = await _drive.files.create(
..name = 'FileName'
..parents = ['1f4tjhpBJwF5t6FpYvufTljk8Gapbwajc'] // Optional if you want to create subfolder
..mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder', // this defines its folder