I'm using MatMenu as a popup to tour around new users on my web app so I don't want to dismiss it whenever the user clicks outside of it.
I've already used used $event.stopPropagation() to stop it from closing when I click a button inside it. Now I want to know how to keep it open even if you click outside of it.
The click is handled by the overlay backdrop. You can apply/remove classes to the backdrop dynamically based on your menu open and close, and defeat the backdrop click using CSS with pointer-events.
For example:
<button mat-button [matMenuTriggerFor]="menu" (menuOpened)="preventCloseOnClickOut()" (menuClosed)="allowCloseOnClickOut()">Menu</button>
export class MenuOverviewExample {
constructor(private overlayContainer: OverlayContainer) {}
preventCloseOnClickOut() {
allowCloseOnClickOut() {
Global CSS
.disable-backdrop-click .cdk-overlay-backdrop.cdk-overlay-transparent-backdrop.cdk-overlay-backdrop-showing {
pointer-events: none;