I am trying to make a query using the ObjectId, and normally in mongodb you would do something like this
Which this works when I do a normal query but in go lang it gives it the value of
instead which does not lead to a valid query.
i have read through the mgo documentation many times trying to use
but it still makes it a hex which I don't understand. I have tried a few different combination of things with no like they were pretty much just shots in the dark.
Go Lang Handlers
package userhandlers
import (
databaseservice "malikiah.io/services/databaseService"
passwordservice "malikiah.io/services/passwordService"
userstructs "malikiah.io/structs/userStructs"
databasestructs "malikiah.io/structs/databaseStructs"
func LoginHandler(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
response.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
databaseQuery := databasestructs.Find{
ID: bson.ObjectId(request.FormValue("_id")),
MongoCollection: "users",
Criteria: "_id",
CriteriaValue: "",
FindAll: false,
Go Lang Structs
package databasestructs
import (
type Find struct {
ID bson.ObjectId `json:"_id,omitempty" bson:"_id,omitempty"`
MongoCollection string `json:"mongoCollection,omitempty" bson:"mongoCollection,omitempty"`
Criteria string `json:"criteria,omitempty" bson:"criteria,omitempty"`
CriteriaValue string `json:"criteriaValue,omitempty" bson:"criteriaValue,omitempty"`
FindAll bool `json:"findAll,omitempty" bson:"findAll,omitempty"`
Go Lang Functions
package databaseservice
import (
userstructs "malikiah.io/structs/userStructs"
databasestructs "malikiah.io/structs/databaseStructs"
func Find(databaseQuery databasestructs.Find) (result string) {
// Set client options
clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://localhost:27017")
// Connect to MongoDB
client, err := mongo.Connect(context.TODO(), clientOptions)
// Database name
db := client.Database("malikiah")
collection := db.Collection(databaseQuery.MongoCollection)
if err != nil {
if databaseQuery.Criteria == "_id" {
result := collection.FindOne(context.TODO(), bson.M{databaseQuery.Criteria: databaseQuery.ID}).Decode(&result)
} else if databaseQuery.Criteria == "" {
} else if databaseQuery.FindAll == true {
} else {
Note that labix.org/v2/mgo
is not maintained anymore, if you want to use mgo
, use github.com/globalsign/mgo
instead. Or the new, official mongo-go driver.
is a type having string
as its underlying type:
type ObjectId string
So when you fill your object like this:
databaseQuery := databasestructs.Find{
ID: bson.ObjectId(request.FormValue("_id")),
MongoCollection: "users",
Criteria: "_id",
CriteriaValue: "",
FindAll: false,
is "nothing more" than a type conversion. You convert the hex object ID string to bson.ObjectId
, but this is not what you want. You want to parse the hex object ID. For that, use the bson.ObjectIdHex()
databaseQuery := databasestructs.Find{
ID: bson.ObjectIdHex(request.FormValue("_id")),
MongoCollection: "users",
Criteria: "_id",
CriteriaValue: "",
FindAll: false,
Note that bson.ObjectIdHex()
will panic if the passed string is an invalid hex object ID. Use bson.IsObjectIdHex()
to check it prior to calling bson.ObjectId()
. For details, see Prevent runtime panic in bson.ObjectIdHex.
If you would use the official driver instead of mgo
, you could use primitive.ObjectIDFromHex()
function to create the ObjectId
, e.g.:
id, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(request.FormValue("_id"))
if err != nil {
// Handle error
// If no error, you may use it:
databaseQuery := databasestructs.Find{
ID: id,
// ...