
How can I fix the caching issue in TYPO3 and ddev?

I recently got into using ddev to develop TYPO3 pages, but I run into the same issue every once in a while. Sometimes (I don't really know what's causing this issue) the page just stops loading and after a while this errormessage appears:

PHP Warning
Core: Error handler (BE): PHP Warning: rename(/var/www/html/var/cache/code/cache_core/5d5a7572dd900787722599.temp,/var/www/html/var/cache/code/cache_core/site-configuration.php): No such file or directory in /var/www/html/public/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Cache/Backend/SimpleFileBackend.php line 234

I know that this error appears when TYPO3 has no permission to write cache but I don't know what I can do to prevent this issue. Restarting Docker fixes it for a short while but eventually it's happening again and this really costs a lot of time to restart Docker every 10 to 20 minutes.. Does anybody know what kind of configuration I need to do to prevent this issue?

Btw, I'm using Docker on Windows with TYPO3 9.5.8


  • As there is no official accepted answer yet I'll elaborate on what has been said:

    The issue can be resolved by following Susi's example in the comments of the initial post: Create a docker-compose.tempfs.yaml in the .ddev directory (look carefully for the spaces indent!)

    version: '3.6'
          - type: tmpfs
            target: /var/www/html/var
              size: 268435456

    Combining this with the setup for NFS described in also increases performance.
