
Is there a pure Python library for parsing a Windows Registry file?

Is there a pure Python (ie. fully cross-platform) library for parsing Windows Registry files (NTUSER.DAT)? Read-only access is acceptable.

If there is not, what resources exist that document the reverse-engineered structure of the Registry files?


Update Since it seemed that a pure Python solution did not exist at the time this question was asked, I went ahead and wrote one. python-registry exposes a Pythonic, read-only interface to Windows Registry files.


  • winreg is obviously Windows only, and does not read registry hive files (NTUSER.DAT, etc.), but rather accesses the registry directly.

    What you're looking for is a library for parsing hive files, and it seems like this one might work:

    The example code seems promising:

    # Use hivex to pull out a registry key.
    h = hivex.Hivex ("/tmp/ntuser.dat")
    key = h.root ()
    key = h.node_get_child (key, "Software")
    key = h.node_get_child (key, "Microsoft")
    key = h.node_get_child (key, "Internet Explorer")
    key = h.node_get_child (key, "Main")
    val = h.node_get_value (key, "Start Page")
    start_page = h.value_value (val)
    #print start_page
    # The registry key is encoded as UTF-16LE, so reencode it.
    start_page = start_page[1].decode ('utf-16le').encode ('utf-8')
    print "User %s's IE home page is %s" % (username, start_page)

    The downside is that it's still not pure Python, but rather a Python wrapper for another cross-platform library.


    If you must have pure Python code with no binary dependencies, you can take a look at creddump.

    It seems to be pure Python, and able to read registry hives in a cross platform manner, but a special-purpose tool and not a library - the code there will probably need some adaptation.