
How to close all windows to the right in tmux

Is there a way to issue a command to close all tmux windows unless something is open in that window? For example, an open file, a running process, etc.?

I am hoping for something that functions as a web browser where you can right click and select close all other tabs to the right. I'd like to issue this in tmux, and similar to the web browser example, have "busy" windows or panes prompt me to close them or silently fail to close.

I have seen this question, but I don't necessarily want to issue the command to all windows.


  • I just built a script to do so, here it is:

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import subprocess
    import os
    import re
    result =['tmux', 'list-windows'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    result = result.stdout.decode('utf-8')
    lines = result.splitlines()
    should_close_next = False
    for line in lines:
        if should_close_next:
            window = line.split(':')[0]
            os.system(f'tmux kill-window -t {window}')
        match ="active", line)
        if match:
            should_close_next = True

    And to integrate it with your tmux add to your tmux.conf

    bind-key "k" run-shell "\n"
