I am trying to run a workflow on GCP using Nextflow. The problem is, whenever an instance is created to run a process, it has two disks attached. The first boot-disk (default 10GB) and an additional 'google-pipelines-worker' disk (default 500GB). When I run multiple processes in parallel, multiple VM's are created and each has an additional disk attached of 500GB. Is there any way to customize the 500GB default?
process {
executor = 'google-pipelines'
cloud {
driver = 'google'
google {
project = 'my-project'
zone = 'europe-west2-b'
#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
barcodes = Channel.from(params.analysis_cfg.barcodes.keySet())
process run_pbb{
machineType: n1-standard-2
container: eu.gcr.io/my-project/container-1
file 'this.txt' into barcodes_ch
sleep 500
The code provided is jus a sample. Basically, this will create a VM instance with an additional 500GB standard persistent disk attached to it.
Nextflow updated this in the previous release, will leave this here.
First run export NXF_VER=19.09.0-edge
Then in the scope 'process' you can declare a disk directive like so:
process this_process{
disk "100GB"
This updates the attached persistent disk (default: 500GB)
There is still no functionality to edit the size of the boot disk (default: 10GB)