My csv output file has few rows that are split into two cells because data in Hive table has string entries with ;
symbol which causes the split.
PROPER ROW 'xxx-xxxxxx','value','NULL','value','v','value','value','1.0','value','0.0','value',value,'value','value' ODD ROW 'xxx-xxxxx','value','NULL','value','v','value','value','value','value','value','value','value','VERY LONG NAME; SECOND CELL OF ODD ROW ;VERY LONG NAME CONTINUED','VERY LONG NAME '
I tried to change output format and field size but not success. Row still gets split into two cells.
beeline -u jdbc:hive2://host:10000/default -n user -p xxxxx --silent=true --outputformat=csv -f sql_code.sql > output.csv
I want my rows not being split into multiple cells. This can be done by escaping ;
'xxx-xxxxxx','value','NULL','value','v','value','value','1.0','value','0.0','value',value,'value','value' 'xxx-xxxxx','value','NULL','value','v','value','value','value','value','value','value','value','VERY LONG NAME VERY LONG NAME CONTINUED','value'
You can use the option "--outputformat=dsv".By default, the delimiter is a pipe (|). You can change it using the option --delimiterForDSV=','.
The next example works:
create table temp.test_name (
first_name string
,last_name string
,zipcode string
partitioned by (part string)
stored as parquet location '../temp.db/test_name' tblproperties("parquet.compression=SNAPPY")
insert into temp.test_name partition(part='A') values
,('Ellen', 'Ellen','00')
Beeline command that returns 4 rows, the same as the contained in the table:
beeline --color=true -u "jdbc..." --outputformat=dsv --delimiterForDSV=',' -f sql_code.hql > output.csv
For more information, check next documentation: