
How can I get the IP of an HTTP request in a Laravel Vapor application?

I recently moved a Laravel app from a server to Vapor. This app relies on logging request IP addresses using Request::ip(), but since switching to Vapor, all IPs are logged as

I have looked over the Trusted Proxy docs at but we do not have a load balancer set up, so this solution does not appear relevant. I suspect this IP address is coming from the Amazon API Gateway.

How do we get the actual client IP of incoming requests in an app deployed on Vapor?

A minimal example of how we use the IP address is below:

public function store(Request $request)
        $workerIP = $request->ip();
        $worker = Worker::create(['ip_address' => $workerIP]);
        return view('')->withWorker($worker);



  • "we do not have a load balancer set up" Yes, you do. The API Gateway is, fundamentally, a proxy of exactly the sort that the trusted proxy configuration is intended for.

    Set 'proxies' => '*' in your config/trustedproxy.php file and you should start seeing the right IP addresses.