
Clojure (deps.edn) separate integration tests

How do you configure deps.edn so you run integration tests separately from unit tests?

I have the following project tree:

├── deps.edn
├── src
│       (...)
├── test
│   └── package
│       └── test.clj
└── it
    └── package
        └── integration_test.clj

Desired behavior:

clj -Atest #runs unit tests only
clj -Ait   #runs integration tests only

Attempted configuration:

{:deps    (...)}
 :aliases {:test {:extra-paths ["test"]
                  :extra-deps  {lambdaisland/kaocha {:mvn/version "0.0-529"}}
                  :main-opts   ["-m" "kaocha.runner"]}
           :it {:extra-paths ["it"]
                :extra-deps  {lambdaisland/kaocha {:mvn/version "0.0-529"}}
                :main-opts   ["-m" "kaocha.runner"]}}}

Actual behavior:

clj -Atest #runs unit tests only
clj -Ait   #runs unit tests only


  • We need to add a tests.edn file:

    {:tests [{:id          :unit
              :test-paths  ["test"]
              :ns-patterns [".*"]}
             {:id          :integration
              :test-paths  ["it"]
              :ns-patterns [".*"]}]}

    And add references to the test ids defined above to deps.edn:

    {:deps    (...)}
     :aliases {:test {:extra-paths ["test"]
                      :extra-deps  {lambdaisland/kaocha {:mvn/version "0.0-529"}}
                      :main-opts   ["-m" "kaocha.runner" "unit"]}
               :it {:extra-paths ["it"]
                    :extra-deps  {lambdaisland/kaocha {:mvn/version "0.0-529"}}
                    :main-opts   ["-m" "kaocha.runner" "integration"]}}}

    Source: lambdaisland/kaocha