
I am trying to find the number of rows that contain three or more 1s in a number of binary matrix csv files in the same directory?

I am looking for a way to find the number of rows consisting of three or more 1s in a number of binary matrices stored in individual .csv files in the same working directory. Is there a way in R to do such a thing? I have read in all the files in the set working directory with the following but I am unsure what to do next...

file_list <- list.files(pattern="*.csv")
files <- lapply(file_list, read.delim)


  • If the 1's do not need to be consecutive, here is a way of counting the rows with 3 1's.

    Firs create a matrix of random 0's and 1's, to test the code. Then, define a function, rowOnes, that does the real work and run it on the example matrix mat.

    mat <- matrix(rbinom(24, 1, 0.5), nrow = 4)
    rowOnes <- function(X, na.rm = FALSE) rowSums(X == 1, na.rm = na.rm)
    #[1] 2 4 2 3
    sum(rowOnes(mat) >= 3)
    #[1] 2

    Now *apply the strategy above to the list of matrices.

    sapply(files, function(x) sum(rowOnes(x) >= 3))