I'll say first that sending my code a hardcoded, perfectly formatted string works fine. But when letting user input string, the code parses areaCode but fails during exchange parsing. Here is my .h
// PhoneNumber.h
#include <string>
class PhoneNumber {
short areaCode;
short exchange;
short line;
PhoneNumber(std::string number);
void setPhoneNumber(std::string number);
std::string getPhoneNumber() const;
void printPhoneNumber() const;
Here is my .cpp implementation
// PhoneNumber.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cctype>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "PhoneNumber.h"
PhoneNumber::PhoneNumber(std::string number) {
void PhoneNumber::setPhoneNumber(std::string number) {
int length = number.length();
std::istringstream iss(number);
int count = 0;
while (!isdigit(number[count])) {
count += 1;
iss >> std::setw(3) >> areaCode;
count += 3;
while (!isdigit(number[count])) {
count += 1;
iss >> std::setw(3) >> exchange;
count += 3;
while (!isdigit(number[count])) {
count += 1;
if (length - count < 4) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Something wrong with your phone number input");
else {
iss >> std::setw(4) >> line;
void PhoneNumber::printPhoneNumber() const {
std::cout << "(" << areaCode << ") " << exchange << "-" << line;
And now my short test code.
// PhoneNumber testing
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "PhoneNumber.h"
int main() {
std::string p1;
std::cout << "Enter phone number in format of (800) 555-1212: ";
std::cin >> p1;
PhoneNumber phone1(p1);
std::cout << std::endl;
I have tried to write my setPhoneNumber code so that it is user error tolerant. So first question is how do I make this work with user input? Secondary (need not be answered) why does it work with hardcoded telephone number string and not user input?
std::cin >> p1;
will only read to the first space or carriage return. So, if the user inputs (800) 555-0123
, you'll only read "(800)"
You need
std::getline(std::cin, p1);
to read the input.
The reason it works with a hardcoded string is that the string assignment operator is not affected by this. When you code p1 = "(800) 555-0123";
, p1 gets set to "(800) 555-0123"