
What is the difference between Liferay 5.2 and Sun Glassfish Web Space Server 10

I'm finding Liferay 5.2 to be fairly buggy (IMO) and more specifically there are a number of security-related bugs that I find very troubling. Is Sun's version of this product (Glassfish Web Space Server) any better?


  • I spent a small amount of time setting up Sun's Webspace server, and immediately noticed several of the same flaws that bothered me about Liferay. I'm not going to proceed any farther.

    Edit: Liferay has an open JIRA site at:

    I won't bother going into details about every bug I looked for, only to say that they existed in both Liferay and Webspace. I didn't want to spend much time on this. The Liferay + Sun collaboration thing is pretty new, so I'm not surprised that the two products are so similar.