
Python executable file closes without showing outputs

I created a code that use Google Books API on Jupiter in python language. I would like to create an .exe file in order to use it on other PCs. I did it with pyinstaller, but when I execute it after I entered the second input, the command window disappears without showing outputs, also if I put an input line at the end in order to keep alive the script until I press a key.

Here the code:

import requests

quote = input('Inserisci la citazione: ')
lingua = input('\nInserisci lingua (sigla, ad esempio ''it'' per ''Italiano''): ')

key = 'xxxxxxxxx'
parms = {'q':quote, 'key':key, 'maxResults':5,'langRestrict':lingua}

r = requests.get(url='', params = parms)
rj = r.json()

for i in range(0,3):
    print('\n' + rj['items'][i]['volumeInfo']['title'] + '\n')
    for authors in rj['items'][i]['volumeInfo']['authors']:
    print('\n' + '\n')

input('press enter to quit')

What is wrong?


  • I solved!

    It was an error in the conversion of the .ipynb file into .py file. To convert it I used a code found here in SO and now it works.

    Here the post that helped me:

    Is it possible to generate an executable (.exe) in a jupyter-notebook?