I m running an esxi 6.7 free.
I would like to expose my esxi to internet through my router. But i want to change the default port whose are 80 and 443.
I found many tutorials / knownledge base available for esxi 5.0 and 6.0 but none of theses are working.
In theses tutorial, there are part with firewall and reverse proxy but no matter what i do, nothings works, mostly when i restart the firewall.
I suppose it's already solved but for others....
How to change port by ssh on ESXi 6.7 host video -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7kuwmLuwvU or set in router port redirecting from 443 to desired port if possible.
edit: for the ones they prefer to read :-)
1. enable ssh on esxi host
2. connect via ssh or press alt + f1 on esxi host
3. edit this file by command vi /etc/vmware/rhttpproxy/config.xml
4. find text https by command :/https
<!-- HTTPS port to be used by the reverse proxy -->
5. change port to eg. 9443
(press insert before editing and after finished press esc save it by :wq)
6. reboot needed by command reboot
7. after reboot connect to ssh and create new file changedport.xml by command
vi /etc/vmware/firewall/changedport.xml
8. copy this text to console.
<rule id='0000'>
9. save it by :wq
10. refresh firewall rules by command esxcli network firewall refresh
This is not a permanent solution. After restarting, you need to add firewall rules again and execute command esxcli network firewall refresh