
R convert grid units of layout object to native

My problem is somewhat related to Convert units from npc to native using grid in R .

I'm trying to figure out the location of certain plot elements start in a ggplot2 object (axes, main plot, etc). I found the following code:

rm(list = ls())

# a dummy plot
g <- ggplot(cars, aes(x = speed, y = dist)) + 

# a layout of each element
obj <- ggplotGrob(g)
l <- gtable:::gtable_layout(obj)

All the information I need must be in the layout object called l. However, the heights and widths of this objects are rather odd. They are often zero, even though there is something draw for the layout! I tweaked grid:::grid.show.layout to print the sizes of what it's drawing:

# aside from sprintf and cat a copy of grid:::grid.show.layout
foo <- function(l, newpage = TRUE, vp.ex = 0.8, bg = "light grey", 
                cell.border = "blue", cell.fill = "light blue", cell.label = TRUE, 
                label.col = "blue", unit.col = "red", vp = NULL, ...) {
  if (!grid:::is.layout(l)) 
    stop("'l' must be a layout")
  if (newpage) 
  if (!is.null(vp)) 
  grid.rect(gp = gpar(col = NULL, fill = bg))
  vp.mid <- viewport(0.5, 0.5, vp.ex, vp.ex, layout = l)
  grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "white"))
  gp.red <- gpar(col = unit.col)
  objs <- matrix(list(), l$nrow, l$ncol)

  unitType <- "cm"
  for (i in 1L:l$nrow) for (j in 1L:l$ncol) {

    h <- convertX(x = l$heights[i, top = FALSE], unitTo = unitType)
    w <- convertY(x = l$widths[j, top = FALSE], unitTo = unitType)
    s1 <- sprintf("s1: i = %d, j = %d, height = %s, width = %s\n", i, j, h, w)

    vp.inner <- viewport(layout.pos.row = i, layout.pos.col = j)

    # an attempt so save the drawn objects
    objs[[i, j]] <- grid.rect(gp = gpar(col = cell.border, fill = cell.fill))
    if (cell.label) 
      grid.text(paste0("(", i, ", ", j, ")"), gp = gpar(col = label.col))
    if (j == 1) 
      grid.text(format(l$heights[i, top = FALSE], ...), 
                gp = gp.red, just = c("right", "centre"), x = unit(-0.05, 
                                                                   "inches"), y = unit(0.5, "npc"), rot = 0)
    if (i == l$nrow) 
      grid.text(format(l$widths[j, top = FALSE], ...), 
                gp = gp.red, just = c("centre", "top"), x = unit(0.5, 
                                                                 "npc"), y = unit(-0.05, "inches"), rot = 0)
    if (j == l$ncol) 
      grid.text(format(l$heights[i, top = FALSE], ...), 
                gp = gp.red, just = c("left", "centre"), x = unit(1, 
                                                                  "npc") + unit(0.05, "inches"), y = unit(0.5, 
                                                                                                          "npc"), rot = 0)
    if (i == 1) 
      grid.text(format(l$widths[j, top = FALSE], ...), 
                gp = gp.red, just = c("centre", "bottom"), x = unit(0.5, 
                                                                    "npc"), y = unit(1, "npc") + unit(0.05, "inches"), 
                rot = 0)
  if (!is.null(vp)) 

Running foo(l) prints:

s1: i = 1, j = 1, height = 0.193302891933029cm, width = 0.193302891933029cm
s1: i = 7, j = 5, height = 0cm, width = 0cm
s1: i = 12, j = 9, height = 0.193302891933029cm, width = 0.193302891933029cm

The weird thing is, stepping through the function withbrowser shows that i = 7, j = 5 prints the biggest rectangle in the center, yet the size is 0cm, 0cm! The original units (were 1null, 1null).

So my question is, How do I obtain the sizes/ coordinates of the rectangles in npc/ native units? I'm perfectly happy iterating through the entire structure, but I would like to convert the units of each rectangle into something sensible. Ideally, I obtain for each layout element the position of the four corners drawn by grid.rect in npc or native units of the device.

Any ideas?


  • Sorry for not completely answering your question, but I have a few comments that could be informative. null units are not the same as 0cm or 0inch units. null units are kind of a placeholder value: first place everything that has other units, then divide the remaining space among null unit objects. This division occurs at one level at a time, so null units in a parent object are interpreted differently than those in a child object.

    What actual null units correspond to is not known until the plot is drawn: you can notice if you resize your plot in the graphics device, that axes titles and other elements typically remain the same size whereas the size of your panel adjusts to the size of the window.

    For all other purposes, such as conversion to other units, they have zero-width/zero-height because everything else is calculated first, explaining why you find zero units if you convert these in your function.

    Hence, unless you have exact, predefined dimensions for your plot you cannot know what the 'null' units will be.

    EDIT: Your comment makes sense, and I tried to figure out a way to report the exact width and height of the panel grob defined in null units, but it relies of drawing the plot first, so it's not an a priori value.

    # Assume g is your plot
    gt <- ggplotGrob(g)
    is_panel <- grep("panel", gt$layout$name)
    # Re-class the panel to a custom class
    class(gt$grobs[[is_panel]]) <- c("size_reporter", class(gt$grobs[[is_panel]]))
    # The grid package calls makeContent just before drawing, so we can put code 
    # here that reports the size
    makeContent.size_reporter <- function(x) {
      print(paste0("width: ", convertWidth(x$wrapvp$width, "cm")))
      print(paste0("height: ", convertHeight(x$wrapvp$height, "cm")))
    grid.newpage(); grid.draw(gt)

    Now, everytime you draw the plot, you'll get a text in the console that says what the actual dimensions are in absolute units (relative to the origin of the panel).