I trust you are well. Here's the breakdown of what I got so far. I have:
I've added an expire_password column which I would like to set a trigger or function (not sure exactly how to go about it) that will do validation on the login page to check if the user's account is or not expired. If it expires direct to a Change Password page where the user will put in a new password and be able to log in. When the new password has been added reset the timer to expire again password after a set date automatically.
I'd really appreciate the help.
Thanks in advance
@littlefoot Covered the basics already. One thing I'll add is that you should not be storing passwords in cleartext, they should be hashed and preferably with a unique salt generated for each password. Doug Gault recently had a related post here: https://blogs.oracle.com/apex/custom-authentication-and-authorization-using-built-in-apex-access-control-a-how-to
Hopefully, you're already doing something like that...
Here's an example Application Process from an old app where I implemented this functionality.
l_users_rec users%rowtype;
if :app_page_id != '101' --login
select *
into l_users_rec
from users
where upper(email) = upper(:APP_USER);
if l_users_rec.change_password_flag = 'Y' and :app_page_id != '110' --profile
wwv_flow.g_unrecoverable_error := true;
owa_util.redirect_url('f?p=' || :APP_ID || ':110:' || :APP_SESSION);
end if;
end if;
Some of the APIs have changed. Start with the old ones and then test the new ones: