There are 2 local
methods defined as:
final case class Kleisli[F[_], A, B](run: A => F[B]) { self =>
def local[AA](f: AA => A): Kleisli[F, AA, B] =
and as:
sealed private[data] trait KleisliFunctions {
def local[M[_], A, R](f: R => R)(fa: Kleisli[M, R, A]): Kleisli[M, R, A] =
The 2nd one should be used as a factory method, to construct Kleisli.
Can you please offer any usecases to use the 2nd method, defined in KleisliFunctions
, to create instance of Kleisli. With an example, if possible. Cannot get it, where this method could be useful.
For example
val k: Kleisli[Option, String, Char] = Kleisli(_.headOption)
k.local[Int](_.toString): Kleisli[Option, Int, Char] // Kleisli#local
Kleisli.local((_: String).toUpperCase)(k): Kleisli[Option, String, Char] // KleisliFunctions#local
Object Kleisli
extends trait KleisliFunctions