gSoap generated client-side structure initialization and use (using ANSI C bindings)
After reading through gSoap
examples and documentation I was not able to find anything directly answering this issue. I have since sorted it out. This post/answer pair lays out the problem and my solution.
Problem description:
I am using gSoap generated client source code to build ANSI C bindings to access web services. Arguments 4 & 5 of the "soap_call__" functions provided as application interfaces (defined in soapClient.c
) are often generated as complex (nested) structures. Because struct ns3__send
(4th argument) is the input structure, it must be declared, initialized, allocated and freed within the calling application.
for example, given the following gSoa
p generated prototype:
SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 soap_call___ns1__SendFile((struct soap *soap, const char *soap_endpoint, const char *soap_action, struct ns3__send *mtdf, struct recv *response)
with the following structure definition (looking only at argument 4) defined in soapStub.h
NOTE: I have shortened the names and reduced the number of members from original contents of the structures to simplify.
struct ns3__send
char *wsStDate; /* optional element of type xsd:date */
int *wsStDuration; /* optional element of type xsd:int */
int *wsStFailures; /* optional element of type xsd:int */
char *wsStFileName; /* optional element of type xsd:string */
struct ns3__Param *details; /* optional element of type ns3:Param */
struct ns3__Param
int __sizeRow; /* sequence of elements <wsStdDetailsRow> */
struct ns3__Row *row; /* optional element of type ns3:xxmtdfws_wsStdDetailsRow */
struct ns3__Row
int *wsStdSeq; /* optional element of type xsd:int */
char *wsStdStep; /* optional element of type xsd:string */
char *wsStdTestDesc; /* optional element of type xsd:string */
char *wsStdLowLim; /* optional element of type xsd:string */
How are the members and pointers within this complex (nested) input structure properly initialized, memory allocated, values assigned and memory freed such that they are useable within a calling application?
Note: This was originally posted to address structures generated by gSoap utilities specifically, but it has general applicability to any nested struct with pointers...
The following describes an ANSI C method for initializing, allocating, assigning and freeing members and pointers within a nested structure construct where the number of fields in the nested section is unknown until run-time.
To explain the shape of structs requiring this treatment, The data schema is comprised of a known number of header fields, each field having one value per row. The last field (row) serves as a delimiter ********
between the header and data sections. The data section contains an unknown number of data records, but each record contains a known (and constant) number of comma delimited fields:
Example data:
The two files shown below are fully commented. Together, they will compile and build with any ANSI C compiler:
//The struct names typical in gSoap generated code
//are longer and more complicated.
//for example, a typical client soap_call___ns...()
//function prototype may look like this:
//SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 soap_call___ns1__SendLEDF(struct soap *soap, const char *soap_endpoint, const char *soap_action, struct _ns3__ledf_send *ns3__xxmtsvclws, struct _ns3__ledf_recv *ns3__xxmtsvclwsResponse)
//where areguments 4 & 5 are respectively:
// arg 4: struct _ns3__ledf_send *ns3__xxmtsvclws
// arg 5: struct _ns3__ledf_recv *ns3__xxmtsvclwsResponse
//for this project we will assume arg 4 represents a complex (nested)
//set of data structures, and for illustration purposes, shorten the
//name to aaa:
// struct aaa contains members to accomodate a fixed number of strings
// as well as a pointer to struct bbb
struct aaa {
char *aaaStr1;
char *aaaStr2;
char *aaaStr3;
char *aaaStr4;
char *aaaStr5;
struct bbb *pBbb;
// struct bbb is used to set array order size
// (or the number of copies necessary of struct ccc)
// it contains the array size (index value) member "numRows"
// and a pointer to a struct, which will work like a pointer
// to array of struct ccc
struct bbb {
int numRows;
struct ccc *row;
// struct ccc contains members to accomodate a variable number of
// sets of strings, number of sets determined by the array row[]
// initialized to array size "numRows" in struct bbb
// (see initComplexStructs.c for how this is done)
struct ccc {
char *cccStr1;
char *cccStr2;
char *cccStr3;
char *cccStr4;
char *cccStr5;
///// Using nested data structures ////////////////////////
// client-side gSoap generated code will often use nested
// data structures to accomodate complex data types
// used in the 4th and 5th arguments of the client
// soap_call__ns...() functions.
// This program illustrates how to work with these
// structures by a calling application in the
// following way :
// - Initialization of structs
// - Allocation of structs and members
// - Assignment of values to members
// - Freeing of allocated memory
#include <ansi_c.h>
#include "InitComplexStructs.h"
struct aaa _aaa, *p_aaa;
struct bbb _bbb, *p_bbb;
struct ccc _row, *p_row;
void InitializeStructs(void);
void AllocateStructs(void);
void AssignStructs(void);
void FreeStructs(void);
char typicalStr[]={"aaaStr 1"};
size_t sizeStr = sizeof(typicalStr);
void main (void)
void InitializeStructs(void)
p_aaa = &_aaa;
p_bbb = &_bbb;
p_row = &_row;
void AllocateStructs(void)
int i;
//allocate members of p_aaa
p_aaa->aaaStr1 = calloc(sizeStr, 1);
p_aaa->aaaStr2 = calloc(sizeStr, 1);
p_aaa->aaaStr3 = calloc(sizeStr, 1);
p_aaa->aaaStr4 = calloc(sizeStr, 1);
p_aaa->aaaStr5 = calloc(sizeStr, 1);
p_aaa->pBbb = malloc( sizeof(*p_bbb));
//Allocate member of next nested struct - pBbb
//Note: The order of array is determined
//by the value assigned to "numRows"
//Note also: the value for numRows could be passed in by argument
//since the calling function has this information.
//Just requires prototype mod from void to int argument.
p_aaa->pBbb->numRows = 3;
p_aaa->pBbb->row = calloc(p_aaa->pBbb->numRows,sizeof(*p_row));
//Allocate the innermost struct ccc accessed through *row
p_aaa->pBbb->row[i].cccStr1 = calloc(sizeStr, 1);
p_aaa->pBbb->row[i].cccStr2 = calloc(sizeStr, 1);
p_aaa->pBbb->row[i].cccStr3 = calloc(sizeStr, 1);
p_aaa->pBbb->row[i].cccStr4 = calloc(sizeStr, 1);
p_aaa->pBbb->row[i].cccStr5 = calloc(sizeStr, 1);
void AssignStructs(void)
int i;
strcpy(p_aaa->aaaStr1, "aaaStr 1");
strcpy(p_aaa->aaaStr1, "aaaStr 2");
strcpy(p_aaa->aaaStr1, "aaaStr 3");
strcpy(p_aaa->aaaStr1, "aaaStr 4");
strcpy(p_aaa->aaaStr1, "aaaStr 5");
strcpy(p_aaa->pBbb->row[i].cccStr1, "bbbStr 1");
strcpy(p_aaa->pBbb->row[i].cccStr2, "bbbStr 2");
strcpy(p_aaa->pBbb->row[i].cccStr3, "bbbStr 3");
strcpy(p_aaa->pBbb->row[i].cccStr4, "bbbStr 4");
strcpy(p_aaa->pBbb->row[i].cccStr5, "bbbStr 5");
void FreeStructs(void)
int i;