
how to create laravel 6 pivot table with multi-word

I have Accounts table and Site_links table. When I use this code in Account Model:

public function site_links(){
    return $this->belongsToMany($SitelinkModel, 'account_site_link', 'account_id', 'site_link_id')->withTimestamps();

The values ​​of the two IDs are reversed.


  • I got the answer, so the problem is

    the belonsToMany parameters must be like this (Model, id_num_of_this_table, id_num_of_the_other_table);

    sample in my account model

    public function site_links(){
        return $this->belongsToMany($SitelinkModel, 'account_site_link', 'site_link_id', 'account_id')->withTimestamps();