
How do I use cljsjs packages in a deps.edn project

I've tried adding a dependency to my deps.edn:

{:deps {cljsjs/js-yaml   {:mvn/version "3.3.1-0"}

But I'm not able to call functions from that library.

In the REPL:

cljs.user=> (require '[cljsjs.js-yaml])
cljs.user=> js/safeLoad
Execution error (ReferenceError) at (<cljs repl>:1).
safeLoad is not defined

The instructions I found are for leinigen (project.clj). Do I need to do something special to get it working in deps.edn?


  • You need to do js/jsyaml.safeLoad and at the repl you need to use the function require rather than the symbol used in a ns declaration.

    bfabry@18723-bfabry /t/foo> plk
    ClojureScript 1.10.520
    cljs.user=> (require '[cljsjs.js-yaml])
    cljs.user=> (js/jsyaml.safeLoad "app:\n  bar: baz\n")
    #js {:app #js {:bar "baz"}}

    the packages are namespaced using js objects of their own name.