I'm in an Angular route resolver and want to return an observable.
I need to subscribe to multiple async processes in order:
A => B(a) => C(b)
C depends on B and B depends on A. A must complete, then B, then C, but I only want the value from C to be used to cause the route to resolve.
I've tried two different approaches:
return A.pipe(
concatMap(a =>
concatMap(b =>
C(b).pipe((c) => c); // also tried of(c)
I've also tried
return A.pipe(
concatMap(a => {
return B(a).pipe(map(b => {a: a, b: b});
concatMap({a, b} => {
return C(b);
How do I subscribe to A, then B, then C ..., and then only get the value from the innermost observable?
If I put a tap after my last concatMap I get my expected return value. But my resolver never resolves? (or the wrong thing is getting emitted? I cannot really tell.)
Route resolvers need to complete before the Angular Router will continue. This is the same for route guards also. Adding a operator that takes an emission, such as take(1), or first() and completes will solve the problem.
return A.pipe(
concatMap(a => {
return B(a).pipe(map(b => {a: a, b: b});
concatMap({a, b} => {
return C(b);