
How to get item value in v-slot:cell() template of b-table - BootstrapVue

I'm a very new at programming. I'm trying to figure it out how to bind the data to get the link :href work using store, vuex and bootstrap-vue table. I have spent 4 days for this, and now I'm dying. Please help.

books.js(store, vuex)

books: [
      id: 1,
      name: "name 1",
      bookTitle: "book1",
      thumbnail: '../../assets/img/book01.jpeg',
      url: "",
      regDate: '2019-10'
       id: 2,
      name: "name2",
      bookTitle: "book2",
      thumbnail: "book2",
      url: "",
      regDate: '2019-10'


export default {
  name: "BookList",
  components: {
  computed: {
    fields() {
      return this.$store.state.fields
    books() {
      return this.$store.state.books
    bookUrl() {
      return this.$store.state.books.url
  data() {
    return {
      itemFields: this.$store.state.fields,
      items: this.$store.state.books,
      //url: this.$store.state.books.url

    <b-table striped hover :items="items" :fields="itemFields" >
      <template v-slot:cell(thumbnail)="items">
          <img src="" alt="image">
      <template v-slot:cell(url)="items">
          <b-link :href="bookUrl" >link</b-link>


  • The cell slot contains two properties you're generally interested in:

    Therefore, considering your data, in the case of v-slot:cell(url)="{ value, item }", value is equivalent to item.url

    Any of these would work:

    <template v-slot:cell(url)="{ value }">
      <b-link :href="value">link</b-link>
    <template v-slot:cell(url)="slot">
      <b-link :href="slot.value">{{ slot.item.bookTitle }}</b-link>
    <template v-slot:cell(url)="{ item }">
      <b-link :href="item.url">{{ item.bookTitle }}</b-link>

    Working example here.

    Note your question contains a few minor issues which might prevent your code from working (itemFields is referenced but not defined, not using proper getters, etc...). For details have a look at the working example.
    And read the docs!