
How to wrap a SwiftUI View inside a ASDisplayNode

Today I was trying to figure out a way to interface SwiftUI and Texture (AsyncDisplayKit).

That way I get the speed and benefits of AsyncDisplayKit, ASNetworkImage, etc. and the flexibility of SwiftUI and Combine in my detail views.


  • Interfacing SwiftUI and Texture / AsyncDisplayKit

    We can initialize a node and provide a SwiftUI view to be used as the backing view. The Text view nests in a UIHostingController, a UIViewController subclass that represents a SwiftUI view within UIKit contexts.

    The view is provided via a block that will return a view so that the actual construction of the view can be saved until later. The node display step happens synchronously because a node can only be asynchronously displayed when it wraps an _ASDisplayView (the internal view subclass), not when it wraps a UIView.

    //  HostingNode.swift
    import AsyncDisplayKit
    import SwiftUI
    class HostingNode: ASDisplayNode {
        var viewController: UIViewController?
        override init() {
            setViewBlock { [weak self]() -> UIView in
                self?.viewController = self?.makeHostingController()
                return self?.viewController?.view ?? UIView()
        private func makeHostingController() -> UIViewController {
                rootView: Text("Attention")
