
How to do convolution in OpenCV

I am trying to find convolution in OpenCV using filter2D method but the result is not correct

import cv2 as cv
import scipy.signal as sig
import numpy as np


First output is generated by scipy.signal.convolve2D that is correct. The second output is generated by OpenCV filter2D which is not correct. how can i get the correct results.

[[ 8 10 10  7  7]
 [15 18 20 14  9]
 [18 23 26 18 10]
 [15 21 22 16 11]
 [ 8 13 13  9  8]]
[[23 16 15 11 13]
 [25 18 19 12 13]
 [28 22 25 16 16]
 [19 19 20 16 18]
 [15 18 18 15 19]]


  • I assume, you wanted to use some rotated kernel w_r in your cv.filter2d call as also mentioned in the filter2d documentation:

    If you need a real convolution, flip the kernel using flip and [...]

    So, first problem is, that your manually set w_r is not the correct, flipped version of w, you forgot a 2 there.

    Second problem comes from, how scipy.sig.convolve2d handles boundaries:

    boundary : str {‘fill’, ‘wrap’, ‘symm’}, optional

    A flag indicating how to handle boundaries:


    pad input arrays with fillvalue. (default)

    From the obtained values after convolution, it seems that the boundary is padded with 0. There's a similar option for OpenCV's filter2d, see the BorderTypes, specifically cv.BORDER_CONSTANT. From tests it seems, that 0 is the default value here!? (Couldn't find any documentation on that by now.)

    So, the corrected code could look like this (unnecessary stuff omitted here):

    import cv2 as cv
    import scipy.signal as sig
    import numpy as np
                  ], dtype=np.uint8)
                  [2,1,1]], dtype=np.uint8)
    print(sig.convolve2d(b, w, mode="same"))
    print(cv.filter2D(b, -1, cv.flip(w, -1), borderType=cv.BORDER_CONSTANT))

    Now, both outputs show the same result:

    [[ 8 10 10  7  7]
     [15 18 20 14  9]
     [18 23 26 18 10]
     [15 21 22 16 11]
     [ 8 13 13  9  8]]
    [[ 8 10 10  7  7]
     [15 18 20 14  9]
     [18 23 26 18 10]
     [15 21 22 16 11]
     [ 8 13 13  9  8]]

    Hope that helps!