I have been trying to show a .gif image inside my custom notification using Glide library. I am only able to show static image on the notification panel.
RemoteViews collapsedView = new RemoteViews(getPackageName(), R.layout.notification_collapsed);
RemoteViews expandedView = new RemoteViews(getPackageName(), R.layout.notification_expanded);
collapsedView.setTextViewText(R.id.text_view_collapsed_1,"Hello World!");
NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this, CHANNEL_ID)
.setStyle(new NotificationCompat.DecoratedCustomViewStyle())
final Notification notification = mBuilder.build();
notificationTarget = new NotificationTarget(
The drawable is a .gif file. When the notification pops up it shows a static image as I am using .asBitmap(). I tried using
but i am getting an error "Cannot resolve method 'into(NotificationTarget)'". I have looked around for solutions but i was unable to find one. So how can I show a GIF file with glide in android's notification panel? Is it possible?
Android doesn't support GIF and Videos in notification because notification is built using RemoteViews
and RemoteViews
doesn't support GIF or Videos.
Also, Glide maintainer answered a similar question here. I am quoting the answer.
It doesn't look like RemoteViews supports setting a Drawable? https://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/RemoteViews.html.
If there's a way to set an animated drawable in a notification in general, you can probably find a way to do it with a custom Target in Glide.