Given the following parameters:
How does one calculate the maximal size of the Images to draw so that they remain within their sector? On the left picture, I'm just using a hard-coded value because I haven't specifically been able to think of a nice, general, mathematical equation for that.
More variables could eventually come into play, if I ever decide to expand my library even more. Things such as the width of the separators or of the circumference's outline.
This is what I use to draw everything but the children Actors:
* Takes care of drawing everything that {@link #layout()} didn't.
* (Basically everything but the children Actors.)
* @param batch a Batch used to draw Drawables. The {@link #sd} is used to
* draw everything else.
* @param parentAlpha
protected void drawWithShapeDrawer(Batch batch, float parentAlpha) {
/* Pre-calculating */
float bgRadian = MathUtils.degreesToRadians*style.totalDegreesDrawn;
float tmpOffset = MathUtils.degreesToRadians*style.startDegreesOffset;
int size = getChildren().size;
float tmpRad = bgRadian / size;
/* Background image */
if(style.background != null)
style.background.draw(batch, getX(), getY(), getWidth(), getHeight());
/* Rest of background */
if(style.backgroundColor != null) {
sd.sector(getX()+style.radius, getY()+style.radius, style.radius-BG_BUFFER, tmpOffset, bgRadian);
/* Children */
vector2.set(getX()+style.radius, getY()+style.radius);
for(int i=0; i<size; i++) {
float tmp = tmpOffset + i*tmpRad;
drawChildWithoutSelection(vector2, i, tmp, tmpRad);
/* Separator */
drawChildSeparator(vector2, tmp);
/* The remaining last separator to be drawn */
drawChildSeparator(vector2, tmpOffset + size*tmpRad);
protected void drawChildSeparator(Vector2 vector2, float drawnRadianAngle) {
if(getChildren().size > 1 && style.separatorColor != null)
sd.line(pointAtAngle(vector22, vector2, style.innerRadius, drawnRadianAngle),
pointAtAngle(vector23, vector2, style.radius, drawnRadianAngle),
style.separatorColor, style.separatorWidth);
protected void drawChildWithoutSelection(Vector2 vector2, int index, float startAngle, float radian) {
if(style.childRegionColor != null) {
if(style.alternateChildRegionColor != null) {
sd.setColor(index%2 == 0 ? style.childRegionColor : style.alternateChildRegionColor);
sd.arc(vector2.x, vector2.y, (style.radius+style.innerRadius)/2, startAngle, radian, style.radius-style.innerRadius);
} else {
sd.arc(vector2.x, vector2.y, (style.radius+style.innerRadius)/2, startAngle, radian, style.radius-style.innerRadius);
drawChildCircumference(vector2, startAngle, radian, style.radius - style.circumferenceWidth/2);
protected void drawChildCircumference(Vector2 vector2, float startAngle, float radian, float radius) {
if(style.circumferenceColor != null && style.circumferenceWidth > 0) {
sd.arc(vector2.x, vector2.y, radius, startAngle, radian, style.circumferenceWidth);
And this is how I'm laying out those children:
public void layout() {
float degreesPerChild = style.totalDegreesDrawn / getChildren().size;
float half = (float)1 / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < getChildren().size; i++) {
Actor actor = getChildren().get(i);
vector2.set((style.radius+style.innerRadius)/2, 0);
vector2.rotate(degreesPerChild*(i + half) + style.startDegreesOffset);
if(actor instanceof Image) { // todo: do this properly !
actor.setSize(30, 30);
actor.setPosition(vector2.x+style.radius, vector2.y+style.radius,;
Here is what I ended up doing:
* Used to estimate the radius of a circle to be constrained within the widget
* according to the input parameters. Doubling the returned value would give
* you the size of a contained Actor which would roughly fill most of its
* sector, or possibly overflow slightly. It is suggested to adjust slightly
* the returned value by multiplying it with a factor of your choice.<br>
* It's basically the minimum between 3 different possible radius values
* based on certain layout properties.
* @param degreesPerChild the amount of degrees that a child's sector takes.
* @param actorDistanceFromCenter the distance at which the child Actor is
* positioned from the center of the widget.
* @return an estimated radius value for an Actor placed with the given
* constraints.
public float getEstimatedRadiusAt(float degreesPerChild, float actorDistanceFromCenter) {
float tmp1 = actorDistanceFromCenter * MathUtils.sinDeg(degreesPerChild/2);
float tmp2 = getMaxRadius() - actorDistanceFromCenter;
float tmp3 = actorDistanceFromCenter - getInnerRadiusLength();
return Math.min(Math.min(tmp1, tmp2), tmp3);