I have 2 separate collections of data in my service.
and Standard
I have 2 api's calls I make to return these items. They can be consumed separately, however I also have use case when I would like to take both sets of data, provide some enrichment based on a condition and then return them to a consumer.
I was hoping I could do something like this:
class ContentService: ContentServiceType {
let featured = PublishSubject<[Content]>()
let standard = PublishSubject<[Content]>()
let content: Observable<(featured: [Content], standard: [Content])>
private let client: Client<ContentAPI>
private let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
init(client: Client<ContentAPI>) {
self.client = client
content = Observable
.combineLatest(featured, standard)
.map { (featured, standard) -> (featured: [Content], standard: [Content]) in
Do some enrichment and create then return new, updated versions
return (featured: updatedFeatured, standard: updatedStandard)
func fetchStandardContent(page: Int = 0, size: Int = 100) -> Single<Void> {
let params = ["page": page, "size": size]
let request: Single<Content> = client.request(.getStandardContent(params))
return request.map { [unowned self] launchers in
return ()
func fetchFeaturedContent(page: Int = 0, size: Int = 100) -> Single<Void> {
let params = ["page": page, "size": size]
let request: Single<Content> = client.request(.getFeaturedContent(params))
return request.map { [unowned self] content in
return ()
Elsewhere in my apps I was then hoping I could do something like
.subscribeOn(ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(qos: .background))
.subscribe(onNext: { content in
/* do something w/ content */
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
And then whenever contentSvc.fetchFeaturedContent
or contentSvc.fetchStandardContent
is called, the contentSvc.content
subscriber above gets new data.
Instead content
does not appear to be emitting any values.
requires both sources to emit before it will emit itself I believe.
I would perhaps look at using a BehaviorSubject
or BehaviorRelay
instead of a PublishSubject.