
Navigation component with instant/(dynamic-)feature modules

I'm trying to implement the new navigation component with dynamic features

So the structure looks like this:

I've been reading a lot with no success how to glue these together without depending on each other as each feature is completely isolated

e.g The app (app module) starts with the SplashActivity and checks the session state, so my question is how should I start the login_graph or home_graph and in the first case, start the home after finishing the auth flow?

The way I'm currently trying gluing'em together is using a globalNav module (android-library) I found a couple of workarounds:

Intent().setClassName(context.packageName, className).also { context.startActivity(it) }

Any suggestions would be great :)

PS: Some references that I've been viewing/reading on:

PSS: I'm actively trying to figure this out if I find a good solution I'll make sure to answer too.


For anyone interested in this, as it isn't currently supported, you can star the issue here:


  • Navigation in on-demand feature modules is supported by using the navigation-dynamic-feature-* components. The most recent version can be found on

    We do have a sample available that demonstrates both XML and Kotlin DSL declaration possibilites.

    The documentation is available here

    For more info you can also watch the recording on this from the Android Dev Summit 2019.