I want to inject every possible combination of 4 digit numbers into a different program (eg notepad) by imitating the keyboard, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to use the SendInput() function, or if there is a better alternative.
string code;
for (int digit1 = startThousand; digit1 < 10; digit1++){
for (int digit2 = 0; digit2 < 10; digit2++){
for (int digit3 = 0; digit3 < 10; digit3++){
for (int digit4 = 0; digit4 < 10; digit4++){
code = (std::to_string(digit1)+std::to_string(digit2)+std::to_string(digit3)+std::to_string(digit4));
//generating the 4 digit codes and outputting the final code into a single variable
cout << code << "\n";
//printing the code
SendInput(code, ???, sizeof(code))
//sending the code into a different program
SendInput does not take in a string as parameter.
Sendinput(cInputs, pInputs, cbSize);
//cInputs = number of structures in the pInputs array..
//pInputs = a pointer to a INPUT structure which contains info about your mouse/key event.
//cbSize = the size of the structure. Tip! use sizeof();
//Step 1.
//Declare a KEYBDINPUT struct and set appropriate values to each variable.
//See MSDN...
//Step 2.
//Declare a INPUT structure.
//Set type: INPUT_KEYBOARD. then set "yourinputstruct".ki equal to your keybdinput struct
//Step 3:
//Use Sendinput function! Sendinput(1,&yourinputstruct, sizeof(yourinutstruct));
for list of Virtual Keycodes see MSDN. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputdev/virtual-key-codes
Here is the function that I wrote, it still may need some improvements but I think it will do what you are asking for! at least it´s working for me typing in cmd and notepad... Read on msdn or ask me to comment if it is hard to understand!
Just pass in a Virtual keycode as first parameter and true if it is a extended key and false if it´s not!
void KeyPress(unsigned short VK, bool ExtendedKey)
KEYBDINPUT KeyDown = { 0 };
KEYBDINPUT KeyUp = { 0 };
INPUT Input[2] = { 0 };
KeyDown.wVk = VK;
KeyDown.wScan = 0;
KeyDown.time = 10;
KeyDown.dwFlags = 0;
KeyDown.dwExtraInfo = 0;
if (ExtendedKey == true)
KeyDown.wVk = VK;
KeyDown.wScan = 0;
KeyDown.time = 1000;
KeyDown.dwExtraInfo = 0;
KeyUp.wVk = VK;
KeyUp.wScan = 0;
KeyUp.time = 10;
KeyUp.dwExtraInfo = 0;
if (ExtendedKey == true)
KeyUp.wVk = VK;
KeyUp.wScan = 0;
KeyUp.time = 10;
KeyUp.dwExtraInfo = 0;
//Setup Input...
Input[0].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
Input[0].ki = KeyDown;
Input[1].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
Input[1].ki = KeyUp;
//Click and Release!
SendInput(1, &Input[0], sizeof(Input[0]));
SendInput(1, &Input[1], sizeof(Input[1]));