I've written a python program that combines three png images into a single image. I'm using PIL to open, resize, combine, and save the resulting image. All the functionality is there but the resulting image has a completely diferently color profile from the original.
I have tried several options:
1. I've attempted to create the new Image as "RGBA"
Result: Image no longer displayed by TKinter GUI
2. Attempted to copy the color profile from the original image then using that profile when saving the final image:
Code: profile = image.info.get("icc_profile", "")
then I use the resulting variable when saving the file using the argument icc_profile = profile
Result: No change
Minimal Reproducible Code
from PIL import Image as pImage
from tkinter.filedialog import asksaveasfilename
newImage = pImage.new('RGB', (976, 976))
background = pImage.open("Gameboy_Background.png")
screen_shot = pImage.open("screenshot.png")
cover_art = pImage.open("[coverart.png][1]")
w, h = screen_shot.size
newW = 875
newH = int(newW * h / w)
screen_shot = screen_shot.resize((newW, newH), pImage.ANTIALIAS)
newImage.paste(screen_shot, (50, 155))
w, h = cover_art.size
newW = 175
newH = int(newW * h / w)
cover_art = cover_art.resize((newW, newH), pImage.ANTIALIAS)
newImage.paste(cover_art, (100, 205))
file2Save = asksaveasfilename(initialdir="/", title="Select file", filetypes={("PNG files", "*.png")})
newImage.save(file2Save + ".png", "PNG")
1: https://i.sstatic.net/Lj1wo.png
[2]: https://i.sstatic.net/4iauQ.png
[3]: https://i.sstatic.net/2voFC.png
profile = image.info.get("icc_profile", "")
then I use the resulting variable when saving the file using the argumenticc_profile = profile
That sounds like the right approach to me, actually. image
is the screenshot image, right? That's the one whose profile you want to copy.
from PIL import Image as pImage
from tkinter.filedialog import asksaveasfilename
newImage = pImage.new('RGB', (976, 976))
background = pImage.open("Gameboy_Background.png")
screen_shot = pImage.open("screenshot.png")
cover_art = pImage.open("coverart.png")
profile = screen_shot.info.get("icc_profile", "")
w, h = screen_shot.size
newW = 875
newH = int(newW * h / w)
screen_shot = screen_shot.resize((newW, newH), pImage.ANTIALIAS)
newImage.paste(screen_shot, (50, 155))
w, h = cover_art.size
newW = 175
newH = int(newW * h / w)
cover_art = cover_art.resize((newW, newH), pImage.ANTIALIAS)
newImage.paste(cover_art, (100, 205))
file2Save = "output"
newImage.save(file2Save + ".png", "PNG", icc_profile=profile)