
Need help to create login system for gym clients

I'm creating an application for my gym that I own and for my clients through Android Studio, using Java. I am using Firebase for my database. I would like to keep track of the days the my clients show up and also maybe a like a countdown timer of days until their membership ends.

I would like assistance with how I can have a button start their session every time they enter the gym. I currently use Google Forms to have them input an id code that links to google sheets to manually record their days that way, a link with Google Sheets would also be efficient.


  • You would need a good bit of experience in programming to do this. At a high level, you would need to code a user interface that takes as input a user id and maybe password. Then you would call an API for Google sheets and add the following fields: userid, date, and time. Then, you could either create another app to analyze this data or a built in Google Sheets function.