I have created pipeline using Azure DevOps for Azure PostgreSQL database.
What actually pipeline do?
az postgres db delete -g my_group -s database_here -n db_test --yes
However, I cannot do this due to error:
An unexpected error occured while processing the request.
Then, I was trying to remove the database using psql, but with no luck due to existing connections to database.
From my point of view - Azure CLI must handle such issues and remove database or pass correct error message to me. For example it would be great if parameter --force will be implemented.
I have removed all connections to database using the following syntax in a bash script:
psql "host=database_here port=5432 dbname=postgres user=postgres@database_here password=ReallyStrongPassword sslmode=require" -c "REVOKE CONNECT ON DATABASE db_test FROM PUBLIC; SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pg_stat_activity.pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = 'db_test';"
and added DROP database action additionally to my pipeline:
psql "host=database_here port=5432 dbname=postgres user=postgres@database_here password=ReallyStrongPassword sslmode=require" -c "DROP database db_test;"
But I didn't remove AZ CLI database removal step from pipeline and it has failed with the following output:
Operation failed with status: 200. Details: Resource state Failed
I think on this step, AZ CLI should return something like: "Database does not exist." just as informative message.
How to properly handle such situations on the Azure side?
Does az postgres db show
show the database details? Please check if this is happening due to this behaviour, albeit the discussion in the quoted thread is in context with a SQL database.
If the issue still persists, please feel free to drop your feedback here open an issue with our GitHub repo for our internal Team to take a look at.
Thanks for the feedback!