
How to link against Capstone using CMake?

I'm trying to use the Capstone disassembly framework in a C++ project on Ubuntu. I ran the following command to install the development package:

sudo apt-get install libcapstone-dev

This installed the includes in /usr/include/capstone but when I try to compile my application using the #include <capstone/capstone.h> include, I get linker errors:

undefined reference to `cs_open'
undefined reference to `cs_disasm'
undefined reference to `cs_free'
undefined reference to `cs_close'

These are all functions which should be implemented in the libcapstone.so.

Indeed, there is no libcapstone.so in the /usr/lib folder:

ubuntu@DESKTOP:/usr/lib$ ls
accountsservice    emacsen-common         libguestlib.so.0      networkd-dispatcher   software-properties
apt                environment.d          libguestlib.so.0.0.0  open-vm-tools         ssl
bfd-plugins        file                   libhgfs.so.0          openssh               sudo
binfmt-support     gcc                    libhgfs.so.0.0.0      os-release            sysctl.d
binfmt.d           git-core               libpsm1               pkg-config.multiarch  systemd
byobu              gnupg                  libvgauth.so.0        pkgconfig             sysusers.d
clang              gnupg2                 libvgauth.so.0.0.0    pm-utils              tar
cloud-init         gold-ld                libvmtools.so.0       policykit-1           tc
cnf-update-db      groff                  libvmtools.so.0.0.0   python2.7             tmpfiles.d
command-not-found  initcpio               llvm-6.0              python3               ubuntu-release-upgrader
compat-ld          initramfs-tools        locale                python3.6             update-notifier
dbus-1.0           kernel                 lxcfs                 python3.7             valgrind
debug              klibc                  lxd                   rsyslog               x86_64-linux-gnu
dpkg               language-selector      man-db                sasl2
dracut             libDeployPkg.so.0      mime                  sftp-server
eject              libDeployPkg.so.0.0.0  modules-load.d        snapd

sudo apt-get install libcapstone2 does not work since the package is not found.

Is there any other package I need to install or maybe there is some simple CMake find_package() for Capstone? Resources I find do not seem to make the Capstone setup for linking against it/including it in a project straightforward enough.

The installed files by the libcapstone-dev package are:

$ dpkg-query -L libcapstone-dev


  • Capstone seems to provide pkg-config .pc file. So, the following should work:

    pkg_check_modules (CAPSTONE REQUIRED capstone)
    target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${CAPSTONE_LIBRARIES})