
How to fix " Uncaught Reference Error: autobahn is not defined at HelloworldProxy.connect " error?

I am trying to implement franca IDL using js and autobahn on clientside and wamp c++ server.I am completely newbee to this .js this is the first time I am working on this but I have worked on franca with D-bus so I have idea on franca. Any help and suggestions will help ma a lot.

In clientside i wrote a simple helloworld code

package example.hello
  interface HelloWorld {
  version {major 1 minor 0}
  method sayHello {
    in {
      String name
   out {
     String message

and generated the autobahn js binding code. Now am taking up the code as below but its showing the below error: " Uncaught ReferenceError: autobahn is not defined at HelloworldProxy.connect "

hello.html code:

        <label>Result: <output id="message" /></label><br/>

      <label>Status: <output id="connectionStatus"></output></label>
         <p>This example uses WAMP communication to interact with a C++ 
    server using CommonAPI.</p>
    <label>Result: <output id="message" /></label><br/>

    <label>Status: <output id="connectionStatus"></output></label>

 <script src="js/HelloworldProxy.js"></script>
<!--script src="js/HelloworldClientBlueprint.js"></script>-->
<script type="text/javascript">
         console.log("I am alive!");
var proxy = new HelloworldProxy();
            //var clientId = 66;
    //var addr = 

proxy.onOpened = function() {
    // your code goes here
 connection.onopen = function(session, details) {
            console.log("Connected", details);
            setStatus("Connected to network.");

  * Async callback in response to a 'sayHello' call.
   * @param cid the call id
   * @param message
    proxy.replySayHello = function(cid, message) {
    // your code goes here

 * API function provided by the proxy for calling method 'sayHello'.
 * @param name


proxy.onClosed = function(event) {
// your code goes here
            connection.onclose = function(reason, details) {
            console.log("Connection closed", reason, details);

setStatus("Connecting to server...");;
         function setStatus(text) {
            document.getElementById("connectionStatus").value = text;



generated autobahn binding code:

function HelloworldProxy() {
    this.connection = null;
    this.session = null;
    this.address = 
    this.callID = 0;

HelloworldProxy.prototype.getNextCallID = function() {
    this.callID = this.callID + 1;
    return this.callID;

  // call this method to invoke sayHello on the server side
       HelloworldProxy.prototype.sayHello = function(name) {
         var cid = this.getNextCallID();
         var _this = this; + '.sayHello', [cid, name]).then(
        function (res) {
           if (typeof(_this.replySayHello) === "function") {
            _this.replySayHello(cid, res);
        function (err) {
            console.log("Call failed, error message: ", err);
    return cid;

  HelloworldProxy.prototype.connect = function(address) {
     var _this = this;

_this.connection = new autobahn.Connection({
    url: address,
    realm: 'realm1'}

_this.connection.onopen = function(session, details) {
    console.log("Connected", details);
    if (typeof(_this.onOpened) === "function") {

    _this.session = session;

    // subscribing to all broadcasts

_this.connection.onclose = function(reason, details) {
    console.log("Connection closed", reason, details);
    if (typeof(_this.onClosed) === "function") {

setStatus("Connecting to server...");;


I need to connect the client with the server and get a response message from the server. The server is working good I have tested it with the help of


  • hi it worked I just added the display functions in js and thus got output. similar to below code:

              document.getElementById("i1").onclick = function(){
              console.log("sending " + Indicator.R_ind);
             proxy.replySayHello = function(cid, message) {
             document.getElementById("message").value = message;
             document.getElementById("d1").innerHTML = message;