
Add single points to levelplot

I am trying to help a friend with a plot, but end up getting stuck. He wants to plot sample locations on a levelplot. The raster is from the package unmarked. (data(Switzerland)). I have tried it with a dummy dataframe, where I randomly chose some locations.

I have found the following question Add XY points to raster map generated by levelplot which is more or less what I would like to do.

So I have tried the following code:

x <- c("980000", "1100000", "1200000")
y <- c("120000", "170000", "100000")
name <- c("a", "b", "c")
dummy <- as.data.frame(cbind(x, y, name))

levelplot(elevation ~ x + y, Switzerland, aspect="iso",col.regions=terrain.colors(100)) +
  layer(sp.points(dummy, cex=2, col=1))

But I end up with an error message

Error in .local(obj, ...) : any(sp) is not TRUE

I tried to understand what sort of input sp.points() needs and what I'm doing wrong, but failed.


  • Convert dummy to an sp-object, i.e., a SpatialPointsDataFrame in your case:

    R> library("sp")
    R> dummy <- data.frame(x = as.numeric(x), y = as.numeric(y), name = name)
    R> coordinates(dummy) <- ~ x + y
    R> class(dummy)
    [1] "SpatialPointsDataFrame"
    [1] "sp"

    Reproducible example:

    x <- c(980000, 1100000, 1200000)
    y <- c(120000, 170000, 100000)
    name <- c("a", "b", "c")
    dummy <- data.frame(x, y, name)
    coordinates(dummy) <- ~ x + y
    p <- levelplot(elevation ~ x + y, Switzerland,
                   aspect = "iso", col.regions = terrain.colors(100)) +
         layer(sp.points(dummy, cex = 2, col = 1))
