
How to get the most recent Gmail message in Google Apps Script?

The docs are thin.

Using GAS, how do I get the most recent Gmail message in my inbox matching a specific subject string?

function getConfig() {
  var email = {
    subject: 'My subject string', 
  email.q = [
    [ 'label'   , 'inbox'       , ].join(':'),
    [ 'subject' , email.subject , ].join(':'),
  ].join(' ');
  var config = {
    me: 'me',
    email: email
  return config;

function getMessages() {
  var config = getConfig();
  var me =;
  var email =;
  var q = email.q;
  var msgs = Gmail.Users.Messages.list(me, {
    q: q,
  Logger.log('Messages length: %s', msgs.length); // undefined

As you can see, the logger returns undefined.


  • You can use GmailApp to get the Messages. It will return you data in an array and you can easily sort it.

    Also, you can search the messages by passing a specific query.

    Document Link

    Hope it helps!.