I am interfacing this C code:
extern "C" void print_int(short a, int b, long c, long long d)
printf("%hi %i %li %lli", a, b, c, d);
with this Python code:
from ctypes import *
Even if I don't cast the arguments in print_int
code, they are passed correctly and I get:
1 2 3 4
as expected. Why cannot ctypes do the same form floating-point numbers? The following snippet:
extern "C" void print_float(float a, double b, long double c)
printf("%f %lf %Lf", a, b, c);
would require an explicit cast from ctypes otherwise an exception is raised.
lib.print_float(c_float(1.0), c_double(2.0), c_longdouble(3.0))
I am working in Unix, compiling with the cdecl calling convention if that matters.
Because defaults and stack size. If you don't specify the type, ctypes
assumes c_int
. On a 64-bit system the stack is 64-bit, so shorts, ints, longs, long longs all are sign-extended and use a 64-bit stack slot. long long
would break on a 32-bit system. float
is a completely different binary format and is not compatible with c_int
You can use .argtypes
to specify the parameter types and then pass values normally. Also .restype
specifies the return value:
lib.print_float.argtypes = c_float,c_double,c_longdouble
lib.print_float.restype = None