In the shiny
app below, I have a reset button, which, well, resets the shinyTree
. I figured that the corresponding input$tree
does not get updated after pressing the reset, i.e. input$tree
still reflects the un-reset state. Try the app by moving some nodes and press the reset button and you will see that while the output gets reset the verbatimTextOutput
still shows the old version.
Is that behavior intentional? How do I force shinyTree
to update the input$tree
whenever output$tree
is changed? Would #89 solve my issue?
ui <- fluidPage(actionButton("reset", "reset"),
shinyTree("tree", dragAndDrop=TRUE, sort = F, wholerow = T, unique = T),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$tree <- renderTree({
root3 = "234",
root1 = list(
SubListA = list(leaf1 = "", leaf2 = "")
root2 = list(
SubListA = list(leaf1 = "", leaf2 = "")
output$str <- renderPrint({
# shinyTrees will also be available as inputs so you can
# monitor changes that occur to the tree as the user interacts
# with it.
shinyApp(ui, server)
To clarify: I have read R Shiny - Resetting shinyTree node selections before posting this question and though related, it is not solving my problem, because I am not using updateTree
in the first place and in my real use case things are way more complicated. Thus, the highlighted solution to use an additional reactiveVal
won't work smoothly.
I really need a solution which assures that input$tree
is up to date regardless whether the tree was updated through user interaction or through R
code itself.
I have only a superficial understanding of shiny input widgets, but I guess that #89 could solve my issue as it will pass a new tree to shiny
whenever there is a refresh
. I will try this one out.
Please check the following, you can force to reset input$tree
via JS:
ui <- fluidPage(
actionButton("reset", "reset"),
shinyTree("tree", dragAndDrop=TRUE, sort = F, wholerow = T, unique = T),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$reset, {
runjs("Shiny.setInputValue('tree', null);")
output$tree <- renderTree({
root3 = "234",
root1 = list(
SubListA = list(leaf1 = "", leaf2 = "")
root2 = list(
SubListA = list(leaf1 = "", leaf2 = "")
output$str <- renderPrint({
shinyApp(ui, server)