I have typescript in the back and have an email controller, that email controller is a class and then does various stuff, passing data to the class works, but, not when trying to initialize another class.
import Router from 'koa-router';
const router = new Router();
import { Email } from '../Controllers/sendEmail.controller';
const email = new Email();
console.log('email class', email); // all data there
router.post('/resetPassword', email.resetPassword);
export default router.routes();
export class Email {
public conn: any = new Connection(); // all data there
public constructor() {
this.conn = this.conn;
console.log('in constructor of email', this.conn); // all data there
public async resetPassword(ctx: Context): Promise<void> {
console.log('email -->', ctx.request.body); // passed by reference correctly
console.log('conn -->', this.conn); // error*
export class Connection {
public smtpHost = 'host';
public smtpPort = 1231273612;
public smtpSecure = boolean;
public smtpUser = 'foo@bar.com';
public smtpPass = 'someSuperSecretPassword';
public token: string;
public constructor(token?: string) {
this.token = token;
public message(): string {
return (
`string with ${this.token}`
error* TypeError: Cannot read property 'conn' of undefined
I for the life of me am struggling with this.... here is a stack blitz
You need to bind the this
parameter. Either:
router.post('/resetPassword', ctx => email.resetPassword(ctx));
router.post('/resetPassword', email.resetPassword.bind(email));