
Add extra output to existing Chainer network

Let's say I create a simple fully connected network:

import chainer
import chainer.functions as F
import chainer.links as L
from chainer import Sequential

model = Sequential(
    L.Linear(n_in, n_hidden),
    L.Linear(n_hidden, n_hidden),
    L.Linear(n_hidden, n_out)

# Compute the forward pass
y = model(x)

I want to train this model with n_out outputs, then, after it is trained, to add extra outputs before fine-tuning the network.

I have found ways to remove the last layer in order to retrain a new last layer, however this is not what I want: I want to keep the weights of the existing outputs. The weights of the new outputs would be initialized randomly.


  • How about introducing an additional linear layer L.Linear(n_hidden, n_extra_out) (without removing any of the existing ones) where n_extra_out is the number of additional outputs. You can then extract the output from the last F.relu (you might want to consider replacing the Sequential object with an instance of a chainer.Chain implementation for this, similar to this example and pass it as inputs to both your pretrained last linear layer as well as this new layer. The two outputs can then be concatenated using F.concat.