import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'a' : [1,2,3]})
df.to_hdf('temp.h5', key='df', mode='w')
This is giving me error.
Missing optional dependency 'tables'. Use pip or conda to install tables.
I already tried ImportError HDFStore requires PyTables No module named tables. Still the same error.
I am getting the same error when reading hdf file. And tables
are already installed for my python.
Some version info.
- python 3.7.4
- pandas 0.25.2
- windows10
PS: You can reproduce this in repl
import tables
and got this error:
ImportError: Could not load any of ['hdf5.dll', 'hdf5dll.dll'], please ensure that it can be found in the system path.
It looks like pandas is not giving accurate message for this. Its just saying missing dependency when its actually present.
If anyone knows how to resolve this. That will help.
using pip into local user directory using following command it's not working.pip install --user tables
Running import tables
will result in this error.
ImportError: Could not load any of ['hdf5.dll', 'hdf5dll.dll'], please ensure that it can be found in the system path
The solution that worked for me is to uninstall tables. And install it into python's directory. (or where your python is installed). without --user option
. You may require admin/root access for this depending upon location of your python.
C:\Program Files\Python37-64\python.exe
and installing under c:\program files\python37-64\lib\site-packages\
worked for me.