I want to display the dollar sign next to its value in the second column, but if I convert the value into a string, the setprecision doesn't work and it displayed more decimals than I would like. Currently the formatting doesn't look good.
My current code:
string unit = "m";
double width = 30.123;
double length = 40.123;
double perimeter = 2 * width + 2 * length;
double area = width * length;
double rate = (area <= 3000) ? 0.03 : 0.02;
double cost = area * rate;
const int COLFMT = 20;
cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
cout << setw(COLFMT) << left << "Length:"
<< setw(COLFMT) << right << length << " " << unit << endl;
cout << setw(COLFMT) << left << "Width:"
<< setw(COLFMT) << right << width << " " << unit << endl;
cout << setw(COLFMT) << left << "Area:"
<< setw(COLFMT) << right << area << " square" << unit << endl;
cout << setw(COLFMT) << left << "Perimeter:"
<< setw(COLFMT) << right << perimeter << " " << unit << endl;
cout << setw(COLFMT) << left << "Rate:"
<< setw(COLFMT) << right << rate << "/sqaure" << unit << endl;
cout << setw(COLFMT) << left << "Cost:"
<< setw(COLFMT) << right << "$" << cost << endl;
Produces this poorly formatted output:
Length: 40.12 m
Width: 30.12 m
Area: 1208.63 square m
Perimeter: 140.49 m
Rate: 0.03/square m
Cost: $36.26
"Currently the formatting doesn't look good."
That's because std::right
pertains to what follows it, in your case "$". So the dollar sign is right-aligned and not the value that follows on afterwards.
What you want is the fully formatted monetary value "$36.26" to be right aligned. So build that up as a string first with stringstream
stringstream ss;
ss << fixed << setprecision(2) << "$" << cost;
cout << left << "Cost:" << setw(COLFMT) << right << ss.str() << endl;