I want to deploy WAR of Maven project to JBoss server. I know that from Eclipse Export->War deploy the WAR file to JBoss. But How can I do this for Maven Project.
I have added
To my pom.xml and import again as maven project, but on right clicking into pom.xml for Run As I don't see any option for deployment.
I found the solution and I am sharing as it might be helpful to someone. My configuration is:
You also need to
Now you are ready to start to create project.
Note: there are some possibilities of overlapping jar(s) of your WAR with the jar(s) of JBoss's lib. Then you should take appropriate action. Like remove the jar(s) from your WAR (in case the version of your jar is same or lower than that of JBoss's) or replace the jar(s) of JBoss and remove that jar(s) from your WAR(in case the version of your jar is higher than that of JBoss's). I should be careful about this and gather well knowledge before doing anything.
Thank you.