I need to perform math and conditional statement by jison,but problem is i am new to jison here so i attached my lex code below without conditional statment work good but when i attach conditional lex i got an error, i attached error too.
/* description: Parses end executes mathematical expressions. */
/* lexical grammar */
\s+ /* skip whitespace */
[0-9]+("."[0-9]+)?\b return 'NUMBER'
"*" return '*'
"/" return '/'
"-" return '-'
"+" return '+'
"^" return '^'
"(" return '('
")" return ')'
"PI" return 'PI'
"E" return 'E'
<<EOF>> return 'EOF'
. return 'INVALID'
/* operator associations and precedence */
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'
%left '^'
%left UMINUS
%start expressions
%% /* language grammar */
: e EOF
{return $1;}
| IfExpression
: e '+' e
{$$ = $1+$3;}
| e '-' e
{$$ = $1-$3;}
| e '*' e
{$$ = $1*$3;}
| e '/' e
{$$ = $1/$3;}
| e '^' e
{$$ = Math.pow($1, $3);}
| '-' e %prec UMINUS
{$$ = -$2;}
| '(' e ')'
{$$ = $2;}
{$$ = Number(yytext);}
| E
{$$ = Math.E;}
| PI
{$$ = Math.PI;}
: "IF" "(" Expression ")" "THEN" "(" Expression ")"
$$ = new IfExpressionNode(/* pass arguments as desired */);
| "IF" "(" Expression ")" "THEN" "(" Expression ")" "ELSE" "(" Expression ")"
$$ = new IfExpressionNode(/* arguments */);
i got error
Parse error on line 1:
Expecting '-', '(', 'NUMBER', 'E', 'PI', 'IF', got 'INVALID'
i want to perform following operators too '<','>,'=='
Finally, I found I missed terminal symbol in my lex grammer IF,THEN,ELSE after added it started works